Grant list
Here is a partial list of additional organizations supported through the Fund Foundation programs.
American Cancer Society: Connected more than 2,000 Mainers with their state legislators to call for a statewide ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products, including vapes.
Alabama Interfaith Power & Light: Contacted nearly 20,000 Alabama Power customers to build support for renewable energy and fair utility rates.
American Conservation Coalition: Spoke to more than 6,000 young voters, connected 250 with members of Congress in support of a bipartisan bill to protect carbon offset markets for American farmers, and built a list of interested pro-environment conservatives for this start-up environmental organization.
Americans for Affordable Drugs Now: We connected more than 1,000 people with their members of Congress in support of allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices.
Americans for Financial Reform: Communicated with 19,000 Americans about The Stop Wall Street Looting Act, which would regulate and reign in the private equity industry.
Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization: Mobilized people to make more than 1,000 calls into Congress seeking Republican co-sponsors for the bipartisan Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act, which was then passed out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee by a 47 to 1 vote.
Aspen Valley Ski & Snowboard Association: In coordination with our Snowriders International organization, supported this organization’s effort to increase youth participation in these sports.
Boundary Waters Action: Mobilized 9,000 Iowans to encourage U.S. senators running for president to commit to protecting the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness from a proposed mining operation.
Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship: Mobilized 12,000 conservative Arizonans to demand 50% renewable energy by 2030.
Consumer Federation of America: Supported CFA, the association of non-profit consumer organizations that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy and education.
Defenders of Wildlife: Mobilized constituents to make neary 2,000 calls total into 24 U.S. House offices to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Earth Day Network: Spoke with nearly 5,000 people to encourage participation in the events surrounding the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
EarthX: Spoke with more than 25,000 Americans to encourage citizen action on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Faith in Public Life Action: Mobilized nearly 10,000 faithful Georgians to stand against voter suppression legislation.
Georgia River Network: Reached more than 10,000 people and prompted nearly 2,000 calls into Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s office in opposition to a proposed titanium mine next to the iconic Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.
GreenFaith & New Jersey Work Environment Council: Activated 2,648 New Jersey voters to call their legislator in support of legislation to expand the use of electric vehicles.
National Wildlife Federation Action: Mobilized constituents to make nearly 3,000 calls across 20 U.S. Senate offices in favor of the bi-partisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.
NC Interfaith Power and Light: Connected nearly 2,000 North Carolinians to their US House members to urge them to support strong action on climate.
No Labels: Generated nearly 1,000 calls to targeted U.S. senators to urge them to "Get in the Room" and attend monthly bi-partisan Problem Solver meetings with other U.S. House and Senate members.
Oceana: Generated 1,800 constituent calls to U.S. House members opposing offshore oil drilling, leading to passage of HR1941, the Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act, with bi-partisan support.
One Hundred Miles: We connected nearly 2,000 Georgians with U.S. Sens. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock calling on them to protect all 100 miles of Georgia’s coast from offshore oil drilling.
Rock Creek Conservancy: Spoke with more than 12,000 Washington, D.C. residents about volunteer opportunities to help protect this treasured Washington, D.C. parkway, signing up a total of 617 Washingtonians.
Solar Rights Alliance: Generated more than 2,000 calls to California Gov. Gavin Newsom in support of rooftop solar.
Texas Coalition for State Parks: Turned out the vote for a state proposition establishing a sporting goods tax to support public lands.
Third Way: Supported this national think tank that champions modern center-left ideas.
Trout Unlimited Alaska: Mobilized 1,800 Alaskans to call U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Gov. Mike Dunleavy, and then-USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue in opposition to logging in the untamed, roadless areas of Tongass National Forest. The Biden administration has started the process to restore protections in the Tongass.
Veterans Education Success: Mobilized more than 2,000 voters to call their U.S. senators to help protect members of the military from predatory payday lending.
Wild Montana Action Fund: Generated 900 calls into Montana state legislators during a three week-long comment period to defend public lands.
Wilderness Society Action Fund: Generated more than 1,000 constituent calls to U.S. Rep. Xochitl Torres Small to thank her for protecting watersheds from PFAS contamination.